Monday, October 18, 2010

Diesel Driver Online Magazine

There’s a new kid on the block called “Diesel Driver”. Derived from the homonymous Internet forum the online magazine edition of Diesel Driver is dedicated specifically to the diesel market. It promises to give us up to the minute news, competitions etc. What can I say but wish them the best of luck.

Comments: “The aim of the magazine is to present what our members want to read, not what the editorial team wants them to read." said Editor John Stevens. "We aim to use leading edge technology to ensure that the content is customisable to our reader’s requirements but more importantly, as we started life as a forum, we are acutely aware of how important our reader population is to us and to that end we aim to have them involved throughout the magazine, from basic forum posts to road tests and interviews."

"Diesel engines have undergone huge development in the past 10 years and now represent almost 40% of new car sales in the UK alone, add that to the huge take-up of broadband Internet services throughout Europe and the potential to reach directly onto people’s desktops we believe that the Internet is the perfect vehicle for us to deliver our product to a large and diverse audience." added Ian Cowan, Director of Diesel Driver." Read more at