Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Most Green Cars Are Way Too Expensive

  1. Most Green Cars Are Way Too Expensive: While some electric cars cost as much as average gasoline cars, most of the green cars are way too expensive and are out of an ordinary man’s reach. Therefore, not everybody can buy these cars.
  2. Green Have High Maintenance Expenses: Many people wrongly think that green cars do not have high maintenance charges. As for the electric cars, we know that they run on batteries that need to be recharged too often. This could be quiet costly considering the price of electricity these days. Other than this, the rechargeable batteries will have to be replaced some day with the new ones which are also very expensive.
  3. Green Cars Are Not That Environment Friendly: While green cars do help in reducing pollution, they are not that environmentally friendly. Most of the hybrid cars use a lot of gas at higher speeds and do pollute the atmosphere. In fact, to some experts a small economy car is more environmentally friendly than a powerful hybrid car.
  4. Green Cars Are Not The Best Selling Cars: Due to the big talks forceful debates about green cars many people have drawn a conclusion that these cars are the best selling in the market and they are wide spread in the U.S. On the contrary, we find that the production of green cars makes only 1.8 percent of the whole U.S car market.
  5. Green Cars Can Be Very Dangerous: Some of the green cars such as the cell powered cars and hybrid cars can be dangerous on the road. Since hybrid cars have hydrogen engines, a collusion can result in an explosion of hydrogen accompanied by oxygen covering vast areas.
  6. Electric Cars Can Not Be Driven For Long Hours: Most of the electric cars with rechargeable batteries can be driven only up to 35 miles, after that the batteries need to be recharged. Therefore, electric cars are not suitable for long distances.