Sunday, April 17, 2011

California Set to Slash Lawmakers' Vehicle Costs in Half, No More Freebies

In an attempt to help reduce California's $26.6 billion deficit, the state's Citizens Compensation Commission has decided that members of the Senate and Assembly who drive state-sponsored vehicles will have their annual vehicle costs cut from $7,453 to $3,600. That boils down to $300 per month for expenses (gas, insurance, etc.), and oh, they'll have to drive their own cars as of December…

California lawmakers average an income of $131,000 per year before retirement benefits, and reducing vehicle costs is one minor cut that's being made for the betterment of the whole. Some people thought the measure was a bit too broad, not taking into account lawmakers' locations.

Shannon Murphy, the Assembly Speaker's spokesperson, told the Seattle Times: "One more than 32,000 square miles...Given the 26 percent cut legislators have already taken in salary and benefits, and the 15 percent additional cut the speaker made to the Assembly operating budget, today's action seems punitive, and not in line with the commission's duty to size legislative compensation to the job."

Right, and how about some legislators started spending taxpayers' money a bit more wisely? Why are tax dollars being spent on Cadillacs and Lexuses for "unlimited use"? That just looks like zero control while Californians' dollars are funding a select few's extravagance. Oh, but the Lexus was a hybrid, so thank God for that.

As always, leave your thoughts and opinions the comments below.

By Phil Alex