Thursday, October 27, 2011

Skoda Wins Super 2000 World Rally Championship PHOTO GALLERY

Skoda won last weekend’s RACC Rally of Spain and with it, the Super 2000 World Rally Championship – the first rally title in the company's 110-year old history.

Juho Hanninen and Mikko Markkula completed 18 stages and 406.5 km (252.6 miles), the longest event in the calendar, over both tarmac and gravel. After three days, they brought their Skoda Fabia S2000 to the finish line in first place in their class and 10th overall to win the title after their main rival, the Estonian Ott Tanak, retired on the first day.

“This is a perfect day for all of us and an excellent achievement, one of the milestones of my career”, said Hanninen.

“Everything worked perfectly and, although we didn’t have to take risks, we were at the head of the pack throughout this rally. I wish to thank all those who’ve been helping us on our way to this achievement”, added the Finn driver.

Nasser Al-Attiyah and Giovanni Bernachinni in their Ford Fiesta S2000 finished 11th overall, and second in the S2000 class, 14.9 seconds behind the Fabia.