Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Green Veggies - Important Things You Need to Know

You are what you eat. This has been an oft-repeated saying that might be viewed upon as trivial but actually carries with it a lot of weight. We might use it to jokingly chide a dear friend who eats value meals at a fast food chain for breakfast, lunch and dinner and as a result now looks like a blob of patty and cheese with fries on the side. But the pun does hit close to home. The juicy plumpness of the beef patty and cheese just shows in the belly bulges and the flabby thighs. Professed vegetarians, on the other hand, have a light air around them. They seem to sway with the wind, like the leaves that they eat. When you really think about it, what we put in our mouths goes into our bodies and gets reflected in the glow, or lack of it, in our gait and appearance. It shows in the energy we exude. Have you noticed how heavy you felt after a meal of fatty meats? If it was a particularly heavy meal, you'd notice that you felt so sleepy afterwards. Compare this with the feeling you get after eating healthy greens. "Light yet filling" is an apt description. If you haven't yet, perhaps it's time you should.

Healthy greens such as fruits and vegetables give your body vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Green vegetables, in particular, have been proven to stop cancer cells from proliferating. They have also been proven to help restore sick cells back to health. The dietary fiber in these foods also sweep the colon of built-up dirt and residue, reducing colon cancer risk while the complex carbohydrates in both the fruits and vegetables give the body a steady supply of energy without elevating blood sugar levels.

So let's get more specific. What exactly are healthy greens? In reality, fruits and vegetables of any color are considered healthy. They are chockfull of all the nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy and strong. But for now, the focus is on green-colored fruits and veggies. One of the healthiest veggies around is broccoli. Aside from being a rich source of vitamins A, C and K, recent studies have also shown broccoli's cancer-fighting capabilities. It's versatile, too. You can eat it raw or use it in stews, with eggs or with meat and chicken recipes. Following closely in terms of nutrient and vitamin content is Popeye's vegetable. You'll definitely be strong to the finish if you eat your spinach. It's rich in vitamins A and K, has iron and folate essential to bone and muscle. For pregnant women, folate is also given to prevent birth defects. Use it in salads or as a main ingredient in green smoothies. Another nutritious green vegetable is celery. Its high-fiber and calcium content keeps blood pressure levels constant and keeps the bones healthy and strong. It's a snack vegetable.

Where green fruits are concerned, try kiwis-- it's rich in magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and E. It's delicious together with other fruits in a salad or it can be eaten on its own. The honeydew melon is also a green fruit that keeps your body hydrated because of its high water content. It is also a rich source of vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium.

You are what you eat. To stay fit and look beautiful, go for healthy greens!

Lastly, don't forget to look at this Vita Mix coupon. The Vita Mix is wonderful, and a must-have for any cooking aficionado.

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