Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is Thrush Contagious? - The Facts

Is Thrush Contagious? It is an annoying condition, which can either be short-lived, or prolonged, depending on where the thrush is on your body. Is it recurring thrush, and how do you get thrush in the first place? All men, women, children and babies are susceptible. However, women suffer with thrush more than men, and even breast feed babies can get thrush in mouth which then can then pass on to the nursing mother.

There Is an Overload of Conflicting Information and Often Ineffective Advice on How To Treat Thrush.

If you suffer from any type of yeast infection, it is highly likely that you have been bombarded by so much conflicting advice about how to treat your thrush infection, which can become very confusing! Recurring thrush is even more of a battle, believe me, I know!

Just like you, I have also battled with thrush over many years. I have experienced all the painful, annoying and embarrassing symptoms associated with thrush: burning, constant itching, discharge, rashes, occasional trips to the doctor and the taking of prescription medications, including over the counter remedies that showed little to no results.

Thrush can be contagious when passed on through intercourse, men can get penile thrush, with little or no symptoms. So when one of you is infected, your partner should also be treated at the same time to prevent re-infection.

Patients have complained of all sorts of symptoms. These would include rashes, weight gain, insomnia, acne, constipation, chronic fatigue, acne, migraines. Painful sex, burning on urination, bloating or IBS, migraines, unexplained lack of energy, eczema, thrush in mouth to name but a few!

Rashes on the corners of your mouth, tonsils or your tongue, can be an indication of oral thrush. Wearing badly fitting dentures or poor oral hygiene doesn't help. We don't fully understand why smokers are more likely to get thrush in mouth, but they tend to have more candida fungi in their mouth, and the smoke also affects the immune system processes that normally stop thrush growing out of control. Some people have had unexplained white skin patches on their body which can also be connected to having thrush or candida.

Usually, thrush can be caused by a course of antibiotics for a condition that may be completely unrelated to thrush, which can upset the flora in your gut, causing bloating, wind, vaginal thrush etc.

Thrush can also be transmitted from another person under rare circumstances, such as immunocompromised people or during surgery with contaminated surgical tools, or according to "rare circumstances" as noted from reputable sources.

Intestinal floral imbalances is a complication caused by conventional over the counter, and prescribed medicines.

We don't fully understand why smokers are more likely to get oral thrush, but they tend to have more candida fungi in their mouth, and the smoke also affects the immune system processes that normally stop thrush growing out of control.

Thrush thrives best in sweet conditions which can happen if sugar levels in the blood and saliva are too high, as can happen if your have diabetes, or if your immunity is low due to cancer, leukaemia or if you are on radiotherapy.

Candida lives in all of us, but any imbalance can cause havoc.

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