Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms and What You Need To Do

Did you know that almost 50% of women will experience urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms at least once in their lifetime? Proper diagnosis is imperative as UTI symptoms can imitate other and more serious infections and diseases.

The early detection of urine tract infection symptoms. Should you feel you have UTI you should look out for the following symptoms and ask yourself the following questions:

• When you urinate does it give you a burning sensation?
• Is your urine cloudy at all?
• Is your urine slightly pink in colour (an indication of blood)?
• Is the odour strong when you urinate?
• For woman, do you feel pain in your pelvic area?
• For men do you feel pain in the rectal region?
• Do you constantly feel the need to urinate?
• When you do go are you passing only small amounts of urine?

Should you be suffering any of the above symptoms a quick visit to see the doctor is advised. Leaving it to long to have a proper diagnosis could leave you in regret later. The process when visiting the doctor is a urine sample. Your urine will be tested for white to red blood cells to measure their percentage. If your white blood cell count is high it would suggest an infection where a medical doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics are the most common prescription for a urinary tract infection.

If you prefer a more natural suggestion as a remedy it's wise to drink cranberry juice every day while following a natural cure. Think about these points to help avoid UTI:

• Good personal hygiene is your first defence against UTI. Be sure to wash the skin between the genitals and rectum on a daily basis and always wipe from front to back (especially important for women) as the bacteria from the anus is a major cause of UTI in women.
• Don't ever hold your urine. Holding your urine can, over time, stretch the bladder causing the bladder not too completely empty and urine left in the bladder may increase your risk of a UTI.
• Wash before and after sexual intercourse.
• Drink plenty of water daily.
• Vitamin C is often said to reduce the frequency of UTI's.

Remember that if you experience urinary tract infection symptoms the cause is not difficult to treat. Practice good hygiene; maintain a healthy diet and your chances of contracting a UTI are greatly reduced. The good news is curing UTI is comparatively simple providing the you've identified the problem UTI through proper diagnosis.

For the cures that have helped many UTI sufferers do away with the infection for good see the Urinary Tract Infection symptoms cures at the free information guide -

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